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Com uma dura��o de dois minutos e noventa e quatro segundos, o concerto de abertura foi considerado um dos melhores?? do festival, al�m de receber diversos pr�mios como ""melhor faixa do festival,"" e ""melhor disco editado das colet�neas"" " Viagem?? de uma caixa" foi lan�ado como o segundo DVD ao vivo da banda no m�s de novembro de 1992 em?? Porto Alegre.

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    Mexico loves La Lotera Mexicana, a bingo-style game with colorful cards and occasionally matching language. This much-loved?? game, or juego, rose from being the pastime of social elites to a national phenomenon played by friends and familia?? at fiestas throughout the country.
    The game originated in Italy in the 15th century and was?? brought to New Spain (modern Mexico) in 1769. In the beginning, lotera was a hobby of the upper classes, but?? eventually it became a tradition at Mexican fairs. Don Clemente Jacques began publishing the game in 1887.


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